Text-to-speech ability, Wiimote learning and predicting movement, new Wii Channel

Mar 13, 2007 08:54 GMT  ·  By

Nintendo's Takeshi Shimada stated that the company is currently working on improving the Wii. First of all, the Wii is going to be equipped with a text-to-speech ability, which means that the machine will read the news for you while you brush your teeth, or read your inbox messages while you're busy doing something else. Second of all, Shimada also hints that the Wii's motion-sensitive controller will get an upgrade as well, in the way that it will learn from the player's movements and predict his/her actions

A new Wii channel is also in the scope for the machine. Using it will allow users to vote for their favorite Miis. It's nice to see that Nintendo is thinking of improvements for their machine but as time passes, the Wii seems to become more of a 7-year-old kid's toy. The truth is it does anything but serious gaming activity. Sure the upcoming features sound impressive but shouldn't there be some new titles to go with them? And maybe not so childish ones this time.

Nintendo's motion-sensitive controller made the Wii a total winner and for this feature, innocent titles are pretty much everything the console needs, but it doesn't mean that it should go on forever. The new "intelligent" Wii should get some serious titles along with these impressive features that people will surely want to make good use of. Wouldn't you like to actually talk to the machine? You did when you were watching Star Trek, don't deny it. So here's your chance, Nintendo, to make people feel like they're the superior talking-to-the-machines-human-race, that don't have time to actually press buttons for a reaction.