The company wants to continue blending hardware and software

Aug 8, 2013 18:26 GMT  ·  By

With sales of the Wii U lower than expected, many have wondered whether Nintendo would do well to launch its biggest hits on platforms other than its own, starting with the launch of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

But President Satoru Iwata tells CVG that, “If I was to take responsibility for the company for just the next one or two years, and if I was not concerned about the long-term future of Nintendo at all, it might make sense for us to provide our important franchises for other platforms, and then we might be able to gain some short-term profit.”

He also believes that Nintendo is unique because it can integrate its hardware and software and it does not want to lose that advantage.

The Wii U has sold just 160,000 units in a three-month period that ended on June 30, but Nintendo expects to move 9 million of them before the end of the current fiscal year.