Jan 20, 2011 09:16 GMT  ·  By

We already know that the Nintendo 3DS handheld will be released on the United States market on March 27, with a retail price set at 249.99 dollars, but the gamers who will get access to the new gaming platform earlier will be those in Europe, who can get the device starting with March 25, with retailers free to set their own prices.

The launch colors for the Nintendo 3DS will be Aqua Blue and Cosmos Black, the same as in the United States, and more versions will be available later in the year.

Retailers in the United Kingdom have stated that they plan to sell the Nintendo 3DS for between 219 and 229 British Pounds and similar prices will probably be offered in other countries in Europe.

Laurent Fischer, who is the marketing director for Nintendo of Europe, has said at the event his company has held in Amsterdam, “Over a decade ago we experimented with 3D. We even considered incorporating it into the GameCube. The tech to enable people to do 3D just wasn't there.”

Nintendo mentions that the three-dimensional capabilities of the 3DS can be used for more than video games, with Fischer saying that the company is in talks with Eurosport and with BskyB to bring television programs in 3D to the platform.

Aardman Animation has already said it will be offering short films starring Shaun the Sheep in 3D on the Nintendo handheld.

As we already know, the main feature of the 3DS is the access to three-dimensional gaming on the go without the use of any of the specialized glasses required to get the same kind of content on home consoles and television sets.

But Nintendo is also aiming to make the handheld more social, with a friend code only needing to be input once on a device in order for the two players to engage in multiplayer and collaborative experiences.