Although the console is great the way it is, Mario creator is keen on making a point

Apr 3, 2007 14:21 GMT  ·  By

What kind of console is Nintendo's Wii? A cute one, first of all, with cute colorful games, fun games. What else? It's pretty innovative. The most innovative of all, especially with that nifty motion sense of its, just like a little electronic pet. But something is missing with the Wii. What could be missing with the Wii? Online play folks. Nintendo's thoughts on developing the Wii didn't seem to include online play, as much as everything else that makes the Wii, well...Wii. Yeah sure you can play some games online, but it's not the kind of online challenge that other consoles such as the PS3 or the Xbox 360 provide.

The company didn't lose because of this however, and the console still sells like crazy. But in a recent interview with GamePro, Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of Mario and Donkey Kong, was keen on telling the world that the Wii is in fact a good tool for using the Internet. Further more, he hints that the company is working on expanding the service to colossal heights:

"A lot of people have the misunderstanding that Nintendo is not interested in network gaming. What we are interested in isn't so much the idea of creating a game that is online and networked in a way that we have seen online up until now. We are really more interested in this idea of having the household television connected to the Internet constantly via the Wii. I think you are going to see a lot of new possibilities for new types of entertainment, such as new channels for the Wii in that type of network environment."

Really now, why bother use the Wii to do Internet, when you have the PC for that or one of the two upper mentioned consoles? And besides, it's more fun with those. Don't tell me, not everyone has a PC, right? Who even buys a Wii if they don't have a PC? Who doesn't have a PC these days? Anyway, if Nintendo wants to improve their Internet service and online play, by all means let them do it. It's not like it's gonna hurt anyone. The more choices, the better.