If there ever was a video to convince you to wear SPF, this is definitely it

Jul 6, 2012 20:21 GMT  ·  By

Nina Dobrev isn't just cute as a button and very talented, she can also be quite convincing when she sets out to be. Check out her latest video for Funny Or Die below.

Since it's summer and the 4th of July means many will be heading out to the beach for an extended weekend, Nina and Nick Braun came up with the perfect song.

It's catchy, it's funny and it serves a very noble purpose. All things considered, it's better than almost everything Paris Hilton or Heidi Montag ever put out.

“Buy SPF on iTunes and protect yourselves from harmful rays today! HAPPY 4TH HAVE FUN! ;)” Nina tweeted the other day.

Without further ado, enjoy! And take good care of yourself this weekend and all throughout summer!