People who stay up most of the night working are more likely to be successful, study finds

Mar 25, 2013 21:51 GMT  ·  By

A team of researchers working with the University of Madrid now claim that, according to their investigations, those who prefer staying up most of the night in order to sort out various issues are likely to be both brighter and eventually wealthier than those who prefer dealing with their problems early in the morning.

The specialists reached these conclusions following their carrying out tests on a total of 1,000 teenagers who agreed to take part in this research.

For the most part, these tests revolved around pinning down how well these teenagers performed in school and around trying to collect information concerning the types of intelligence that they possessed. Only My Health reports that, in the aftermath of their submitting the teenagers to these tests, the researchers came to realize that, although early rises more often than not get better grades in school, it is the night owls who stand the most chances of succeeding on the longer run.

This assumption is based on the fact that the night owls taken into consideration for this research ended up scoring significantly more points than the early risers did on tests whose purpose was that of measuring their inductive reasoning.

As the researchers explain, the aforementioned type of intelligence is the one most commonly associated with so-called prestigious jobs and consequently high incomes.

This is because inductive reasoning goes hand in hand with creative thinking and this, in turn, is linked to higher chances of getting a well-paid job.

According to the same source, one possible explanation for why night owls are better than other people when it comes to innovative thinking has to do with the fact that, when humans first emerged as a self-standing species, only those who were particularly interested in making head and tail of various issues would stay up late and try to find solutions to the questions that bothered them.