A St. Patrick's Day earthquake sends KTLA anchors under their news desk

Mar 17, 2014 16:06 GMT  ·  By

It was supposed to be just another calm morning in Los Angeles, California, as people were preparing to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, but it turned out to be just a little scarier than the usual Monday morning when a 4.4-magnitude quake rocked the entire city.

The first reactions caught on camera were inevitably of the people on live TV at the time, such as KTLA anchors, who decided not to take any chances and dove right under their desk until the tremor subsided.

Their reactions were caught on television, and now you can watch a clearly panicked Chris Schauble shouting in terror, “We're having an earthquake,” right before jumping under his desk. It took the anchors a couple of seconds to regain their professionalism and start reporting some news.

The earthquake is said to not have caused any significant damages and has claimed no human lives. However, it did manage to scare a lot of people, including some celebrities, who immediately took to social media.

Among them, Kendall Jenner, Ariana Grande, Kelly Osbourne and Nicki Minaj were the first to report that they were OK and to express concern at everyone's well being. Others joked that they originally thought it was the end of the world.