Erin Cramer adopted Clobberhead just two months ago

Mar 26, 2014 17:11 GMT  ·  By

This is another story that has a happy ending thanks to a dog’s intelligence and vigilance. A newly adopted dog from central Indiana saved the lives of his new owners by alerting them about a potential danger.

Erin Cramer adopted Clobberhead from the local branch of Greyhound Pets of America two months ago, and now she owes her life to the dog.

One day, when the woman stayed home sick from work, the greyhound started acting strangely, standing with his nose against a wall. Cramer took him out to get some fresh air, but the dog immediately pulled her back inside, trying to convince her that something was wrong.

Although she didn’t know yet what the problem was, she opened the door to her laundry room and immediately understood what her dog was trying to communicate. It seemed that the water heater had sprung a gas leak, and the room quickly filled with natural gas.

Hadn’t it been for the dog, the gas leak would have caused a disastrous explosion that would have affected several properties, Yahoo News informs.

Greyhounds are known to be a very intelligent and intuitive breed, so Clobberhead’s behavior shouldn't surprise anyone.

“If it wasn’t for him coming into our lives, we probably wouldn’t be here right now,” Cramer said.

This inspiring story conveys a clear message: if you have a dog, pay attention to his behavior because he could notice possible threats long before you do.