Film won’t run outside festivals, won’t even get a DVD or Blu-ray release

Jul 26, 2013 20:51 GMT  ·  By
Elijah Wood in official movie still from “Maniac,” which has just been banned in New Zealand
   Elijah Wood in official movie still from “Maniac,” which has just been banned in New Zealand

Elijah Wood has already managed to win over critics after his ultra-violent new movie “Maniac” played at film festivals in the US. New Zealand has now ruled that it will never see the light of day in theaters in this country.

In the film, which is shot entirely from Wood’s perspective, he plays a serial killer. To say that there are plenty of gruesome scenes is a bit of an understatement, if only judging by the trailers released so far.

The Hollywood Reporter notes that, “the country’s censor, the Office of Film and Literature Classification, banned the film from general screening in New Zealand, saying it can’t be shown outside of film festivals.”

“The ruling also means the movie can’t be distributed on DVD at a later date,” adds the publication.

In the US, “Maniac” had a limited release last month.