Problems linked to copyright mean gamers will get all new soundtrack

Dec 15, 2011 12:58 GMT  ·  By

A new Tony Hawk video game has been confirmed as being in development but it seems unlikely that fan requests for the music to be based on previous titles in the series will materialize.

Dan Amrich, aka OneofSword, an executive at Activision, spoke about the soundtracks for the first and second game of the series, saying, “Music licensing is a one-time deal. The songs from the original games were only licensed for those specific games on those specific platforms at that specific time. Any other versions created later would need new licensing deals.”

He added, “This is also why not all songs from earlier Guitar Hero games are importable into later games: they only signed permission for it to be used in that one game. Any change means it’s a different deal.”

The new Tony Hawk game is set to use the core mechanics of the series and take the experience back to its roots.