It has no adverse effects

Jan 25, 2007 14:20 GMT  ·  By

You know that happiness in a couple is connected to a healthy sexual life.

But when the man suffers from premature ejaculation (PE) ...

Males suffering from PE can not maintain a sexual act more than - on average - one minute.

Well, nothing is lost for PE patients and, besides many products already on the market, a British-Dutch team has developed a topical anesthetic spray that delays ejaculation for five times as long.

54 PE volunteers were randomly assigned to treatment and control groups. "The men who were prescribed the TEMPE (Topical Eutectic Mixture for Premature Ejaculation) spray, which delivers a combination of lidocaine and prilocaine, managed to delay ejaculation by just under an extra four minutes after using the product" reports Professor Wallace Dinsmore from the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast. "Meanwhile, the control group, who were prescribed a placebo (dummy) spray, increased their penetration to ejaculation time by just over 40 seconds. "Overall, the TEMPE spray was 2.4 times more effective than the placebo."

The study was made on heterosexual couples who maintained a stable monogamous relationship for at least three months and were willing to have sex at least seven times during the ten-week research period. The volunteers were from six British locations (Sheffield, Manchester, Durham, Plymouth, Belfast and London) and a Dutch one (The Hague), being aged 18 to 75, with an average of 39. They had PE diagnosis from seven months to just under 35 years, with an average of 9.5 years.

The TEMPE subjects applied three metered sprays to the glans of their penis 15 minutes before having sex, a total of 22.5mg of lidocaine and 7.5mg of prilocaine, while the placebo group used a spray lacking any active ingredients.

Neither group used the spray more than once in any 24-hour period in order to avoid the effect of prolonged erection due to frequent ejaculation. The subjects used a stopwatch to assess the time between penetration and ejaculation. The research was completed by 20 TEMPE users and 23 placebo users.

83 % of all users found the spray easy to use and tolerable. 3 males accused numbness in their penis, one did not achieve erection and one partner experienced a mild burning sensation each time the spray was used, but followed a complete treatment.

Safety measurements, including vital signs, physical findings, electrocardiograms, hematology, biochemistry and urine analysis were found normal. "At the moment, only a small number of men with premature ejaculation seek or receive treatment from a healthcare professional and the lack of effective pharmacological treatment is a contributory factor" concludes co-author Dr Michael Wyllie from Plethora Solutions Ltd, which manufactures the TEMPE spray.

"The encouraging data from this phase two study suggests that TEMPE has the potential to offer a convenient, novel treatment for men with premature ejaculation and might be useful as a first-line treatment for the condition."