Developers can learn more on the building of apps for the platform

Nov 22, 2011 21:51 GMT  ·  By

The Windows Phone Marketplace is expanding fast, especially now that Microsoft and Nokia are luring developers into joining the Windows Phone troops, and new documentation for those interested in venturing on this road is now available.

We're referring here to the Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit In Depth ebook coming from Boryana Miloshevska, a software developer who enjoys over 6 years of expertise with .NET technologies.

The new book was made available for free for all those interested in building applications for Windows Phone using Microsoft's Silverlight environment.

The book provides information on what application development using the Windows Phone Toolkit 7.1 - Aug 2011 SDK (Mango) is all about.

However, those who would like to take advantage of this knowledge will have to possess some basic understanding of Silverlight principles, Windows Phone principles, and C# programming.

“The target audience of this book is anyone who is interested in Silverlight for Windows Phone development. It covers all controls from the Microsoft Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit 7.1 - Aug 2011 SDK (Mango),” Boryana Miloshevska explains.

“This book contains all the information necessary to get you started with the Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit. It is suitable for both beginners and advanced developers.”

Published on October 11th, 2011, the book has 246 pages structured in 22 Chapters, and starts with a presentation of the main aspects that developers should consider when it comes to Silverlight and Windows Phone.

“Furthermore the first two chapters make a quick introduction to the main concepts related to Silverlight and Windows Phone application development and how to get started using external libraries like the 'Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit',” Miloshevska continues.

Starting with Chapters 3 and going all the way through Chapter 22, you will be able to learn how to use the controls included in the toolkit “in depth.”

The free Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit In Depth ebook is available here.