Check out the Explore and the RiderNet modes alongside plenty of gameplay footage

Jan 24, 2012 08:09 GMT  ·  By

Electronic Arts has just deployed a fresh video for its upcoming SSX snowboarding simulator, this time focusing on the online features of the new game.

SSX is set to mark a return of the cult classic series, once again depicting a lighthearted experience that’s bound to get the blood pumping in anyone remotely interested in snowboarding, either in real life or in the virtual one.

Now, in order to show that it’s more than just a single-player game, EA has released a video about some of its online modes, specifically the Explore one. It allows players to go on a tour of the world and compete on various descents, while trying to beat times set by the developers. If their friends have also tried the descent, they’ll also have to overtake a ghost, earning more points.

The footage also shows off the RiderNet system, which is similar to Battlefield 3’s BattleLog or Need for Speed’s Autolog, and will display to the player the performances of his or her friends, recommend tracks to complete, or suggest new friends.

Get ready for the new SSX game on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on February 28, in North America, and March 2, in Europe.