Study tells gamers which team to choose

Jun 12, 2008 07:18 GMT  ·  By

Whenever scientists are not conducting researches to prove that video games are bad for one's health, they tend to study some really important things and the results might prove to be really funny, in the end. It is exactly what happened with this latest study about video games conducted at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark by neuroscientist Mihai Moldovan and published in the journal Cyberpsychology & Behavior.

According to website GamePro, the research studied the outcomes of over 1,300 multiplayer matches played in Unreal Tournament 2004 and found out that red wins, generally. Still, it is not a huge victory, as some might expect, but it is definitely a victory: 55% of the matches were won by red teams (and it's worth noting that the teams participating in this experiment were "elite").

Mihai Moldovan, the scientist who conducted the study, believes that the color red acts as a psychological distracter for men, possibly because men flush and turn red when they're angry. Also, studies conducted in the past showed that athletes wearing red in one-on-one events are more likely to win. What does this all mean? Always go with the read team, no matter if you're playing UT 2004, Unreal Tournament 3 or any other shooter available on the market. You will most likely aim a little better and win a bit more.

Now, to be honest, we would've expected a bigger victory for the read team because, you know - red is the best (if you don't believe me, just start a Warhammer 40,000 game and see for yourself: orcs' red vehicles are faster!) Not to mention the fact that, since red is associated with victory, anger and stuff like that, we know that blue can be associated with calm and sadness. You just can't win if you're feeling blue, right? Blue is emo. Period.