A Google search result clearly relates to GDrive, or Google Drive

Oct 31, 2011 18:41 GMT  ·  By

New proof that Google is definitely working on GDrive or Google Drive has surfaced. You can check it out for yourself, do a search for 'writely' and the second result will link to a page titled "Writely – The Web Word Processor – test page for Platypus (GDrive)."

Writely is the name of the online document editing app that Google acquired and formed the base of Google Docs.

The app itself has been long retired, but the domain is still active. Visiting writely.com redirects to Google Docs. However, visiting writely.com/BasePage.aspx, which is what the Google result points to, will lead to a Google Docs error page.

The link is live for anyone to see, though it doesn't do anything at the moment, and it may be available in the search results for a while, since Google probably won't mess with its search index to manually remove a link it does not like.

Google will remove the link just like any other webmaster out there, so it may take a while before it's gone.

Platypus is the code name of the old GDrive service, which was killed off in 2008 since Google believed files were obsolete.

It seems that Google is reusing the code name for the new project. It could be that the link is related to the older project, but it would be strange for it to surface now.

Hints at a revived Google Drive have been showing up in recent months. There were even some screen shots in a Google presentation, indicating that Google Drive is in testing internally.

Google Drive, from what has been gathered, will be mostly a rebranded Google Docs. The service now hosts all sorts of files, so the Docs name is rather obsolete.

But the really interesting thing is that Google may also be launching a local desktop app to go along with Google Drive, very similar to Dropbox.