Interest for upcoming film spikes considerably

Aug 12, 2009 15:38 GMT  ·  By

In November this year, James McTeigue of the “V for Vendetta” fame will bring fans of martial arts movies something that promises to be quite a treat: “Ninja Assassin,” starring singer turned actor Rain, whose name is already a household one on most markets. If, until now, the film garnered little attention as compared to other productions of the kind, the release of a series of new stills managed to considerably spike the interest in it.

The stills are all of Rain, who plays Raizo, “one of the deadliest assassins in the world,” as the official synopsis of the film describes him. Presumably, since the main character is all bloodied and surrounded by fire in them, it’s not too far-fetched to believe that they could actually have been lifted off the final confrontation scene. Be that as it may, they’re “fire hot,” as CinemaBlend puts it, and more than justify the hype the film will probably be getting in the coming months.

“I feel like I don’t really know much about ‘Ninja Assassin’ yet. There’s a trailer floating around out there, a plot synopsis, and a poster or two, but none of it has really made much of an impression yet. One thing I do know though, is that it will contain fire. Lots and lots of fire. The first image released from the film featured its star Rain in front of flames and now we have two more, very cool new images featuring even more flickering heat.” CinemaBlend writes of the recently released stills.

The film, handled by Warner Bros. Pictures, Legendary Pictures and Dark Castle Entertainment, seems to contain the recipe for a blockbuster, if one were to trust the trailer (see below) for it. There will be fighting (plenty of it), countless slo-mo scenes, presumably a gorgeous girl as well to match the gorgeous male lead, explosions and fast cars, and lots and lots of violence depicted in the most artistic, impacting manner. Again, many movie publications rush to agree, the recipe for success as regards an action / martial arts movie.

“Ninja Assassin” is slated for a theatrical release on November 25. If the above and the new stills piqued your interest, see as well the trailer here and keep an eye on this space for more. Enjoy.

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Rain as Raizo in the new “Ninja Assassin” stills
Rain as Raizo in the new “Ninja Assassin” stills
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