Redhoof Courier can now drop while Firework Mines and Scare the Beast flags can be bought

Feb 6, 2014 07:07 GMT  ·  By

Valve has just introduced another, much smaller Dota 2 patch on the Steam service, doubling the drop rate of ingots while making various other fixes to the multiplayer title.

Dota 2 was officially launched around the world last summer, and Valve has kept on releasing many themed updates, including the most recent New Bloom Festival.

After a major update earlier today, the company has rolled out yet another different patch for Dota 2 that makes a few small but crucial changes to the game, so check them out below, via Steam.

- Ingot drop rate doubled. - Added a chance of finding the Redhoof Courier in the Bloom Harvest and Bloom Bounty Jade Token rewards. - The Shopkeeper in the Year Beast fight now has limited stock of Firework Mines and Scare the Beast flags. - Wraith King’s Vampiric Aura has no effect against the Year Beast. - Ursa’s Fury Swipes have no effect against the Year Beast.

The patch is already live on Steam and will be automatically downloaded the next time you start the client.