Due to Navy demands

Aug 20, 2007 13:59 GMT  ·  By

The San-Diego Navy demanded the Mountain View company to remove the "Women of CVN76: That Don't Impress Me Much" clip posted on YouTube because it affects the image of the military department. The San Diego Union-Tribune reported the clip with the Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier had to be removed because it showed inappropriate use of the military equipment that could lead to security concerns or an avalanche of criticism coming from the Internet users. According to the same source, the four-minute clip recorded no less than 31.000 views since May 23.

"The video was a lighthearted and positive depiction of the service of women officers and sailors aboard aircraft carriers and in Navy squadrons. It showed the good humor and camaraderie of the ship's crew," Cmdr. Charlie Brown, a spokesman of the Navy said for the San Diego Union-Tribune.

This is not the first time when YouTube shows inappropriate content that shouldn't be published on an online video sharing platform with the popularity of Google's technology. In the past, numerous clips were also deleted from the database because they showed something that shouldn't be published on the Internet such as military secrets or other sensitive information prohibited to the public eye.

However, numerous Internet consumers use YouTube with a different purpose than the one mentioned by Google - publish and share clips with the entire community. For example, a woman fighting against leukemia published a clip on YouTube in order to find a matching donor for a bone marrow transplant. She managed to find one in Denmark who also saved her life. Another example is represented by the police officers who turned to YouTube to upload surveillance clips, discover and arrest the suspects. Moreover, some of them use YouTube as a database of information, uploading tutorials and how to clips to share them with the community.