Nolan North hasn't been called back in by franchise developer Naughty Dog

Jul 3, 2013 11:20 GMT  ·  By

Nolan North, the voice actor behind Nathan Drake from the Uncharted franchise, has no idea when the next installment might appear, as he mentioned that developer Naughty Dog hadn’t contacted him about working on Uncharted 4.

Nolan North is one of the most popular voice actors in the gaming industry, as when he's not voicing main characters, like Deadpool in the recent game with the same name, he's responsible for secondary NPCs.

In an interview with Eurogamer, North was asked about a potential Uncharted 4, which would see him reprise probably his most popular role, that of Nathan Drake.

"Everybody asks about Uncharted 4," laughs North. "'I have no idea' is the answer. I really don't. Naughty Dog is busy with The Last of Us, which is supposed to be fantastic, but they've been really, really busy with that."

"Maybe, once that's finished and the dust settles from all that, maybe we'll know more about the possibility of that. I'm hoping, but I really don't know. The fact that I don't know is always disconcerting, but we'll see."

Considering Naughty Dog just finished with The Last of Us and has a second team working on another project, it's quite possible that a fresh Uncharted experience will appear sooner rather than later.