Tone your entire body with just one simple exercise

Jan 13, 2009 19:41 GMT  ·  By

Given that, as a rule, most of us are constantly out of time these days, and that life does seem to move at a faster pace than it did, say, when we were teens, working out has also started to be considered a process that should take as little time as possible, while also being extremely efficient. FitSugar has one exercise that will check on both counts: narrow squats with overhead press.

Not only will this exercise help tone the entire body, but it will also do so almost unbelievably fast. Of course, since there’s no gain with a certain amount of pain, expect to feel the effects of this seemingly easy exercise the very next day you begin it, and especially so if you’re not used to working out at all.

For starters, you need two dumbbells, of whatever weight makes you feel most comfortable. However, fitness experts say that, if we’re not used to physical exercise, we should start off small and gradually add more weight. If a pair of dumbbells is nowhere to be had, then there’s literally nothing stopping us from being creative, replacing them with two plastic bottles filled with water – again, their weight is dependant only on how you feel when you’re working out with them.

Now that this detail is out of the way, we begin by standing with legs close together, arms raised to shoulder height and elbows bent so as to have the weights at the level of the ears. While squatting towards the floor by bending the knees, we raise the arms above the head in a parallel position, palm of the hand towards the interior. At this point, we must focus on keeping our arms straight and on not moving the legs apart from each other. One way to do that, experts tell us, is to focus on the weight we place on the heels and by pushing the posterior towards the exterior, as if sitting in a chair.

As we return in the initial position, we must again focus on keeping the muscle on our arms flexed, as we bring the dumbbells back to the level of the ears. Then, once back in the original position, we repeat for about ten times, in sets of two or three. As an extra note, this exercise should not be performed as if in a major rush – concentration and perfect execution being the keys to getting the best results out of it.