She's probably having them all framed to give as Christmas presents

Apr 24, 2014 10:33 GMT  ·  By
Kim Kardashian is stocking up on her Vogue magazine issue to have somthing to show the kids when she's older
   Kim Kardashian is stocking up on her Vogue magazine issue to have somthing to show the kids when she's older

Kim Kardashian is proving just how big landing the cover of Vogue was for her. Despite the fact that many people felt betrayed and disgusted that Anna Wintour finally gave into Kanye's bickering and put them both on the cover, Kim is still resting on her laurels, and she's collecting every magazine that she can get her hands on.

TMZ caught up with the reality star yesterday, and she seemed very interested in only one magazine when she stopped at a local newsstand. You see, Kim is still probably giggling in the morning when she looks in the mirror and tells herself that she's so beautiful that even Vogue begged her to be on the cover.

Looking about as inconspicuous as she can look, the Kardashian star picked up not one or two magazines when she came upon them, but an armful, which is about an armful more than anyone needs in their home.

The question is why she took so long to begin hoarding Vogues, when the magazine has been out on the shelves for about three weeks now. The answer to that question looks to be very elusive at this point, and it's made even more curious by the fact that young sister Kendall Jenner, who was accompanying Kim for her press run, also picked up quite a few editions of the same publication.

Judging by the cameras that were rolling furiously all around her, it's very possible that Kim was filming for her reality show, but it still doesn't explain the bulk quantities of her purchase. Of course, one theory would be that she plans to have each one framed and maybe give them out at Christmas to people as gifts, because you can never have too much Kardashian in your life.

Another theory would be that she keeps buying her own magazine where she can find it, in order to increase sales. This is because many people were actually canceling their subscription to the magazine and vowing to never pick one up again, and Kim needs this particular issue to sell well if she plans on having a second one.

Regardless of all the speculation and the cameras surrounding her at the time of the purchase, Kim seemed very smug as she picked up her proudest fashion moment to date, and then she quickly scurried back to her car, with her little sister in tow, both laden with Kardashian Vogues galore.