Former publicist says she was implanted with 11 embryos, not 6

Jan 22, 2010 08:06 GMT  ·  By
Nadya Suleman planned pregnancy with octuplets just so that she could become famous, it is being alleged
   Nadya Suleman planned pregnancy with octuplets just so that she could become famous, it is being alleged

Shortly after giving birth to octuplets a year ago, Nadya Suleman fell out of favor with the media and the public (mostly US taxpayers) for already having six other children under 8 at home and living off government assistance. Later on, it emerged that she had 6 embryos implanted, which is too risky a procedure for any specialist to do. Now, her former publicist is spilling the beans on how Suleman actually asked for 11 embryos, as her pregnancy was part of a bigger scheme.

OctoMom’s motive in getting pregnant with so many babies had nothing to do with her love for children and the so-called emptiness she feels and of which she believes it can only be filled with many kids, Victor Munoz is saying for National Enquirer. Since he worked for her at the time, he knows for a fact that Suleman had everything planned out: from how to get pregnant to how she would later capitalize on her “extraordinary” feat. The latter included book and television deals, not to mention media exclusives.

The problem is, Munoz says, Suleman freaked out when word got out in the press she had been implanted with 6 embryos, for which reason she had all the papers of the procedure destroyed. She couldn’t afford to have her image ruined, the former publicist explains, because that would have cost her the many deals she had signed even before she knew she was expecting. Useless to say, if any of this is even remotely accurate, it paints a very harsh picture of Suleman as a cold, calculated and ultimately selfish woman – and, most importantly, mother.

“She was very upset and nervous,” Munoz says of how Suleman reacted when rumors of the procedure she had undertaken started to circulate. “She told me, ‘You’ve got to take me over to Dr. Kamrava’s so we can get rid of the paperwork on the octuplets. We’re in enough trouble over the news that he did six transfers at once. If it comes out that I actually had 11, it will destroy my image. Nadya was particularly worried that Dr. Kamrava had her sign a waiver acknowledging it was dangerous to implant that many embryos at one time. She didn’t want it to be revealed that she had deliberately put herself through a very dangerous procedure,” the former publicist adds.

That was in February 2009, shortly after she’d given birth. Later on, she called Munoz back to tell him she had taken care of everything. “I got the doctor’s nurse to shred the records. That evidence is gone. Nadya’s plan was always to make money out of her amazing pregnancy. So she was terrified that people would find out the crazy risk she took just to become famous,” the rep adds for the same publication.