Oct 1, 2010 19:13 GMT  ·  By

Just recently, Octomom Nadya Suleman held a yard sale to raise money to sustain her huge family of 14 children. As it turns out, this wasn’t enough and she’s now landed a gig as bartender for a night.

Gossip blogger Perez Hilton got his hands on a poster now making the rounds, which announces a one-night donations party, with all the benefits going to her children.

Attendance, it would seem, is no more than 10 bucks, while Suleman herself is believed to be at the party as a bartender – probably in a bid to get even more money from donations.

“So Octo-Mom has hit rock bottom, which wasn't so far off from where she was before, but still. She has no money, no marketable skills other than a wide-load carrying womb and she has 87 mouths to feed at home,” Perez writes in his typical manner.

“So just like every other self-respecting former Z-lister out there, she had to find a job. Luckily for her, she's found the perfect gig - bartending for charity!” he goes on to say.

There’s a big catch though. “[It’s] not just any charity - her charity!” says the blogger.

“An all Spanish radio station is running a fundraiser at a bar in Ontario, CA. Nadya Suleman will be your host and bartender and all the proceeds go to getting food, clothing and general necessities of life for her children!” says Perez.

Though the blogger is not normally the most reliable source out there, he does have a poster for the event up on his website.

According to it, the event is organized by Toxiko and will take place this Saturday, on October 2. “Todos los fondos recaudados van para los hijos de Octomom,” the poster says, meaning that all the money raised at the event will go to Suleman’s children.

Nevertheless, the poster doesn’t say that Octomom will be serving beer as bartender at the event – one just has to assume that Perez has it from a very reliable source.

Seeing how Suleman sold at the recent yard sale not only items like her babies’ old clothes and Halloween costumes, but also the bikini that she posed in for a magazine (for a rumored $100,000 fee), it’s not hard to imagine the above report is accurate.