These attacks are becoming more and more common

Sep 11, 2007 10:05 GMT  ·  By

New Zealand has joined the list of countries that had their government computers attacked and hacked into by malicious users. This is becoming almost a trend nowadays. I guess hacker schedule is something like: Sleep, hack a bank, eat, hack a government, go to work, take down a site, eat, hack a government, go to bed. There have been so many pieces of news about of countries that suffer from such hack attacks lately, that this is becoming something ordinary. And the fact that a bad thing is common, really makes it more serious. And I question myself - how many more states are in this situation, but do not acknowledge it?

Officials from New Zealand have not revealed where the hack attacks come from, but, to be honest, it wouldn't surprise me if there were Chinese or Russians involved in this, since that's where the most recent cyber-aggressions have come from lately. Their origins were just a supposition of mine, based on the latest news, but what is known for sure is that Security Intelligence Service director, Warren Tucker, has stated for The Dominion Post that there is evidence that foreign governments were responsible for the attacks. And do pay attention to the way he said it - he stated 'there is evidence' for it and did not say it is a sure fact, nor did he incriminate anyone.

After the security breach, data has been stolen and malware had been installed on the hacked machines. In one case, a spam bot had been deployed so you could say that the hackers were skillful, not only bypassing security but also mocking the system. After this happened, they have decided to fight against such unpleasant events, employing a cyber-security awareness campaign. In my opinion, such campaigns should be used all over the world, as soon as possible, and not wait for something bad to happen first.