The age of 3D displays is upon us

Oct 3, 2008 19:21 GMT  ·  By

3D television that can be viewed directly with the naked eye (no pesky glasses required) seems to have become the next major target for the various developers of display solutions across the world. In our previous articles on the subject, we talked about Philips' and Panasonic's approaches to this particular issue, but now it seems that there's a third party involved as well.

And that's because, as Shinya Saeki, Nikkei Electronics (TechOn), reports, JVC and Japan's National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) just announced having jointly developed a 72-inch 3D display that can be viewed with the naked eye, while providing a full HD resolution (1920 x 1080p).

The secret behind this very impressive technological achievement seems to be the use of multiple full HD projectors that send images on the screen from the back to enable the 3D representation (rear projection). Furthermore, the alignment of the respective projectors is optimized, allowing the light emitted by them to create an effect similar to that of light reflecting from real-life objects.

The result is a pixel count exceeding 100 million, while users can also view 3D images corresponding to the horizontal angle from where they're watching (within ±20° to right and left).

Moreover, the future of this innovative technology seems to be quite a bright one as well. And that's because NICT plans to develop a commercially-available product of this type by 2011, adding that the estimates for this type of technology lead to the conclusion that 200 to 300-inch 3D displays might actually become a reality in the coming years.

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