NASA launched a program able to show people the negative consequences of fire incidents

Oct 21, 2011 13:41 GMT  ·  By

Scientists from NASA made sure that public opinion is aware of the devastating impact hundreds of fires had upon the environment over the last decade.

Its strategy was to release videos which present images of the most significant fire incidents, captured by satellites, aircraft or provided by ground resources.

It seems that most of the disasters occurred in Africa, due to human intervention, or common phenomenon such as lightning strikes.

People made themselves responsible for fires that influenced climate changes and the migration of population throughout their primitive agricultural practices.

The public has now free access to a virtual tour which highlights the most relevant disasters generated by fire, that took place all across the globe, from July 2002 to July 2011.

The organization used data provided by its MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument to raise the viewer's level of awareness regarding the devastating impact these incidents have upon the environment.