The hacker claims to be a gray hat that wants to make administrators improve their sites

Dec 5, 2011 15:02 GMT  ·  By

A hacker that calls himself D35Mond142 managed to breach a few high-profile websites, including, allegedly to prove that they still haven’t properly secured their site.

Emails, usernames and passwords of members and the administrators of Planet MySQL were published in a Pastebin document, along with the names of the tables found in their databases.

Besides the hack on, D35M0ND142 also managed to breach the systems of the Urbino University in Italy and the Universal Language & Computer Institute in Nepal.

He even managed to breach a Steam database, leaking the credentials and IP addresses of their customers.

“I'm a hacker, not a computer criminal, I study and attack the network to induce the administrators to improve it. My attacks are NEVER malicious purposes,” reads his Twitter description.

Over the weekend, he also listed around 100 websites that were vulnerable to defacements and unfortunately, the list has been put to good use by other hackers who already started breaching the listed locations.