Feb 25, 2011 21:01 GMT  ·  By

Motorola XOOM, the high-end Android 3.0 Honeycomb tablet PC that mobile phone maker Motorola brought to the market on the airwaves of wireless carrier Verizon, is now rooted. It didn't take too long for enthusiasts to get root access on this tablet PC, but, since Motorola designed it to be more developer-friendly than other devices it launched with Android, and even said that it would include an unlockable bootloader, this does not come too much as a surprise.

Rooting a device enables users to gain more access to features and functions that are otherwise unavailable to them.

Motorola XOOM was rooted shortly after made officially available for purchase on Verizon Wireless’ airwaves.

Koush was the one who managed to root the device. He had to compile Tegra 2 kernel coming from third parties, as Motorola did not release the kernel for this tablet PC as of yet.

Motorola XOOM comes with fastboot support which made gaining root access a rather simple operation.

In order to root your newly acquired XOOM, you will have to do the following (adb and fastboot have to be installed on the computer):

1. # Download the XOOM root zip (you will find the link here). 2. # Unzip the package. 3. # Put your junk in the box. 4. adb reboot bootloader (skip the next 3 steps if you have already unlocked via fastboot) 5. fastboot oem unlock 6. # wait for reboot 7. adb reboot bootloader 8. fastboot flash boot rootboot.img 9. fastboot reboot 10. # wait for reboot 11. adb remount 12. adb push su /system/bin/ 13. adb shell ln –s /system/bin/su /system/xbin/su 14. adb shell chmod 4755 /system/bin/su 15. adb push Superuser.apk /system/app/ A recovery is not available for the time being, but Koush promised one for the near future. ROM Manager will be available at that time as well.

We do not encourage you to root your Motorola XOOM tablet PC, but provided you want to do so, keep in mind that doing it will void warranty. Anyone willing to gain root access will be the only one responsible in case something goes wrong.