They’ve won a sales injunction against Xbox 360, Windows 7, IE and Windows Media Player

May 2, 2012 16:21 GMT  ·  By

This morning, Germany’s Mannheim Regional Court reportedly granted Motorola a sales injunction against Microsoft's Xbox 360, Windows 7, Internet Explorer, and Windows Media Player.

When the judgment is enforced, Motorola can ask the removal of those products off the German market.

Motorola owns two technology patents the EP0538667 and the EP0615384. These are strongly interlinked with the H.264 video compression format.

Motorola can license these patents to others under "fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory" (FRAND) terms and they demanded royalties from Microsoft in the amount of around 4 billion dollars per year.

Microsoft doesn’t agree with Motorola's terms, and asked the regulators to investigate Motorola as being unfair and unreasonable with those patents.

A case of patent infringement by Motorola is pending against Microsoft in the United States as well, but Microsoft has much more influence over the legislators in America.