Sony says the free-to-play model can work on home consoles

Jul 21, 2012 00:31 GMT  ·  By

Despite the popular opinion most of the players engaged with DC Universe Online, 70 percent are playing the game on the PlayStation 3 home console from Sony rather than on the PC.

John Smedley, the leader of Sony Online Entertainment, tells Games Industry that, “It’s 70% of the audience. Free-to-play on PlayStation 3 is huge. In fact, right now, it’s us with DCUO and Free Realms and our friends at CCP with Dust 514 that are going to prove that this market really works.”

He adds, “There’s a lot of people that go through that store and it’s so easy to find and download these games that it’s a great business model. A lot of people have already stored their credit card information so it’s very frictionless if they do want to buy something.”

The success of the PS3 version of DC Universe Online means that free-to-play MMOs are viable on the home console.

Smedley further speaks about Free Realms and the way it allows the player to buy thousands of items while also keeping the core gameplay elements free.

DC Universe Online has been free-to-play since October 2011 and the game has since then seen an increase in players and most of those who are engaged with it keep coming back even if they abandon it for short periods when new games are launched.

DC Universe Online is based on the comic book universe created by DC Comics and Sony Universe Online has long-term plans for the game, adding both new sets of powers and new customization options and new storylines including organizations and villains that many gamers know from other media.

Gazillion is now working on a Marvel-based MMO title that will be launched exclusively on the PC during 2013.