Ten other UK websites have also been defaced by the hackers

Aug 9, 2013 11:52 GMT  ·  By

Hackers of the Moroccan Ghosts collective have breached the official website of the Amesbury Town Council, a town in Wiltshire, England.

The council’s website, amesburytowncouncil.gov.uk, has been defaced to display a message from the hackers, along with an image of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.

“We are ready to sacrifice our souls, our children and our families so as not to give up Iraq. We say this so no one will think that America (UK) is capable of breaking the will of the Iraqis with its weapons,” the hackers wrote on the defaced website.

In addition to the Amesbury Town Council website, the Moroccan Ghosts have defaced ten other UK websites belonging to various organizations.

At the time of writing, all the websites are still defaced.