Prostate cancer impeded by frequent ejaculation

Jul 25, 2007 18:16 GMT  ·  By

Do you think that by employing the Daoist techniques of impeding ejaculation you will impress a new sex partner? Well, actually, you will get a nice prostate cancer later!

This is the result of a large epidemiological research made on 30,000 American subjects by Dr. Michael Leitzman, a cancer researcher at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland: men who ejaculate more often have a decreased risk of developing prostate cancer later in life.

Previously, there was a suggested connection between an intenser sexual activity and higher incidents of prostate cancer in previous studies, as the male hormone testosterone, which promotes a more vigorous sex life was known to enhance cancer cell growth.

But Leitzmann discovered that men who ejaculated 13 to 20 times monthly presented a 14% lower risk of prostate cancer than men who ejaculated on average, between 4 and 7 times monthly for most of their adult life. Those ejaculating over 21 times a month presented a 33% decreased risk of developing prostate cancer than the baseline group.

The subjects were mostly white males, and Leitzmann said 'the finding warrant further investigation'.

Those with a history of high ejaculation frequency over their lifetime were physically fit but also had a richer history of a sexually transmitted diseases, prostatitis and vasectomy. These men were also more likely not to be engaged in a long-term relationship (divorced or separated), consume more total calories, fish, alcohol and food supplements.

Researchers made corrections to their study in connection to the age, race, family history of prostate cancer, vasectomy, body mass at age 21, height, smoking years, type 2 diabetes, physical activity and calorie, fructose, vitamin E, zinc, meat, fish and alcohol intake.

A mean ejaculation frequency of 21 or more times monthly at 40-49, or over 13 per month during a lifetime was connected to a low risk of prostate cancer. This link was not connected to age, family history, sexual transmitted disease, smoking, or diet.

The researchers suspect that frequent ejaculations may damp into the prostatic fluid carcinogenic chemicals, like xenobiotics and others. Frequent ejaculation could also decrease the development of intraluminal prostatic crystalloids, linked by many researchers to prostate tumors.