The former intern slams the singer in an interview for Vanity Fair

May 7, 2014 08:24 GMT  ·  By
Monica Lewinsky hits back at Beyonce, correcting the grammar of the lyrics in her song that mentions the intern's presidential affair
   Monica Lewinsky hits back at Beyonce, correcting the grammar of the lyrics in her song that mentions the intern's presidential affair

Monica Lewinsky doesn't mind the fact that she's managed to land herself in the history pages with a less than reputable affair with former president Bill Clinton, but she at least wants you to get your facts straight when you mention her.

Monica took the chance to correct Beyonce in her latest interview with Vanity Fair, since the singer was nice enough to mention her in the song “Partition.” The raunchy song is featured on Beyonce's latest self-entitled album and it speaks of a woman having intercourse on the backseat of a chauffeur-driven car.

At one point, Beyonce sings something in the lines of “He Monica Lewinsky'd all over my gown.” Readers will of course make a connection with the famous blue dress incident that caused worldwide scandal when it emerged that Clinton had inappropriate relations with the intern.

Monica is now keen to return the favor and is quoted by the magazine as saying “Thanks, Beyoncé, but if we’re verbing, I think you meant ‘Bill Clinton'd all on my gown,’ not ‘Monica Lewinsky'd.’” Admittedly, she does have a point, but Beyonce probably refrained from using the president's name in her song, opting to use Monica's instead, so that people would know what she's talking about.

The former intern, who is now in her 40s, admits that she's still getting recognized on the street on a daily basis and acknowledges her place in the pop culture, which is why she's not mad about being mentioned in songs. She just wanted Beyonce to use the correct reference.

The rest of the interview deals with Lewinsky's life after the famous 1998 incident that left the White House in a terrible scandal and how she deals with what emerged from that affair. Of course, she speaks about the reclusive years, but also her plans to re-enter politics.

She also addresses the thorny issue about her relationship with Hillary Clinton, who plays the role of cheated wife in this affair and who naturally doesn't hold the highest regard for her. She admits the existence of a piece of correspondence that was leaked and in which Hillary called Lewinsky a “narcissistic loony toon” in a letter to a friend.

Monica points out that “My first thought [was] if that's the worst thing she said, I should be so lucky,” however “I find her impulse to blame the Woman—not only me, but herself—troubling . . . Courageous or foolish, maybe, but narcissistic and loony?”