May 14, 2011 10:19 GMT  ·  By
Kerry Campbell is being investigated for admitting to giving her 8-year-old daughter Botox injections
   Kerry Campbell is being investigated for admitting to giving her 8-year-old daughter Botox injections

She claimed she wasn’t doing something that other mothers weren’t doing as well. She also said her 8-year-old daughter wanted to receive adult beauty treatments. Kerry Campbell is now under investigation for injecting Britney with Botox for kiddie beauty pageants.

Kerry and Britney (now living in San Francisco), usually get beauty treatments together, like many mothers and daughters do.

The difference is that Britney is just 8, yet she gets Botox injections to her face regularly (to prevent and banish “wrinkles”) and even waxes on her upper legs because it’s “unladylike to have hair.”

Britney is a regular at kiddie beauty pageants, and her mom believes that by submitting her to the above puts her on equal footing as the other contestants, who, allegedly, also receive the treatments.

After Kerry made an appearance on Good Morning America defending her choice and explaining her decision to inject her daughter with Botox, new reports suggest that she’s being investigated by competent authorities, SFGate reports.

There are doctors who recommend Botox for children, but never for purely cosmetic reasons, always on medical grounds.

As such, it’s no wonder people have started complaining with authorities when Kerry went on the record saying she was doing it because her daughter had “wrinkles.”

“It’s pretty unusual for a mom to be injecting an 8-year-old with Botox and certainly is grounds for an investigation,” Trent Rohrer with the San Francisco’s Human Services Agency says in a statement cited by the e-zine.

Authorities will now speak to the mom and Britney herself, and then determine whether there’s cause for alarm.

As far as she’s concerned, Kerry insists she didn’t do anything wrong, as we also informed you yesterday.

“It’s a tough world, the pageant world, I’m telling you. The kids are harsh,” she says of having to put her daughter through this because she’s a contestant in beauty pageants.

Check out the video below to see and hear her defend herself.