Players can pay to get access to more cards to play with

Oct 25, 2011 14:28 GMT  ·  By

Markus Persson, the developer behind Minecraft, has revealed that his upcoming Scrolls video game will feature a monetization system which is close to other free-to-play titles, except that players will have to pay initially to get the game.

It seems that those players who pay the initial cost will get new scrolls to play with at regular intervals, while those who want more of them will be able to pay in order to get them or take part in tournaments or other activities.

Notch added that he does not like the “free-to-play” concept because it forces developers and players to see games as successes if they can deliver money and not a good experience.

In Scrolls the initial payment is a guarantee of content delivery and makes the playing space more equal to all players.

Scrolls will be launched at some point during 2012 and will be built around collectable scrolls.