A break from the cellular would be great, as the little portable device makes one irritable, stressed out and increases his blood pressure

Sep 15, 2006 08:18 GMT  ·  By

The newest form of addiction might be related to mobile phones, according to a new research conducted by Dr. David Sheffield at the University of Staffordshire. He stated that people grow more and more obsessed with their mobile phones by using them non-stop, being over-preoccupied about them and even lying about how much they use them.

Addiction to mobile phones can only lead to stress and irritability in users, suggested Dr. David Sheffield. Of the 106 mobile phone users investigated in the study, 16% were found to have developed a problematic behavior when it came to mobiles. Whenever they were not using the cellular phones, owners became irritable and stressed out.

Another study also conducted by Dr. David Sheffield investigated 20 convinced mobile phone users. The medical expert measured participants' blood pressure when using mobile phones, and after a certain period of time when they have given up talking on the cellular. Tests showed that when subjects used mobile phones had higher blood pressure levels than after they cut down the use of their cellulars.

"Mobile phones have impacted on every aspect of our social world. These findings suggest that large numbers use mobile phones heavily and that their use impacts on their lives. Getting phone calls can make you feel better about yourself - give you greater self-esteem. Whereas not getting calls can make you feel down or less important," stated Dr. Sheffield.

However, the University of Staffordshire medical expert recommended people to try using less their mobile phones when they want to relax or have a break from stressful everyday activities: "Maybe it is good to take a break from your mobile phone every so often . It is hard to leave your phone at home when you go on holiday but maybe it is not such a bad idea."