About Mistletoe Techonogies' SlimLine Security Appliance

Aug 30, 2007 09:30 GMT  ·  By

I've heard about this gizmo for quite some time now and some people say it's great, while others almost throw rocks at it. This is a device that deploys security measures; it's not a software, but it seems to be working well (for a beta, that is) though it has some deficiencies (hope those will disappear in the final version).

So, what is it? It's a new ultra-compact multi-Gigabit appliance that is based on Mistletoe RDX Technology. You can read about it and see a picture of this device by clicking on this link. It's quite cute, its length is not more than that of a pencil, but considering the route that technology has taken these days, this does not amaze me.

So, about their firewall - it is designed for high performance access control, network attack prevention, filtering based on VLAN tags and logging access to critical network resources. It offers security for hosted server farms, security for inter-dept. security for universities as well as access control and logging for regulatory compliance. It also has a 2Gbps troughput and it can prevent denial of service (that sounds good!).

Security expert Cameron Sturdevant has tested it and stated for eWeek that this little firewall lacks DMZ. The DMZ is a middle "ground" between an organization's trusted internal network and an untrusted, external network such as the Internet. Also called a "perimeter network", the DMZ is a subnetwork (subnet) that may sit between firewalls or off one leg of a firewall. Organizations typically place their Web, mail and authentication servers in the DMZ. But do not forget that it's meant to be an internal LAN security device!

I've also had a fascination with small things that do a lot of stuff, and I'm going to write something on it, as soon as I test it myself. Till then, you can view the full review here.