Aug 3, 2011 11:17 GMT  ·  By
Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake promote “Friends with Benefits” in Moscow
   Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake promote “Friends with Benefits” in Moscow

Mila Kunis may be petite, but she’s one fierce lady if you cross her – or pick on any of her friends. During a recent press event in Moscow to promote “Friends with Benefits,” Mila put a reporter back in her place when she dared question Justin Timberlake’s choice for a career.

The video of the incident is below, but you might need some help with it since Mila is doing the schooling of the reporter in Russian.

As fans must know, Mila and Justin can be seen together in the latest romantic comedy “Friends with Benefits,” in which they play two good friends who decide to take their relationship to the next level, minus the strings that usually go with it.

The two became very good friends while the movie was still shooting (and reports even said that there was more between them than that), which would explain why Mila would get so defensive about Justin.

The reporter aims to find out the answer to the question that has been on everybody’s mind for years: the reason why Justin is no longer making music, choosing to focus solely on his acting career.

So, she asks Justin, through Mila, why he’s in the movies, as a transcript / translation of the exchange on The Daily What reveals.

“What brought you into movies? WHY ARE YOU IN MOVIES?” the reporter is heard asking.

Initially, Mila seems to have some issues understanding the question. “Why movies?” she eventually asks back, as if demanding more details.

“Well, many showbiz persons move to movies, and sometimes it’s for the better, but why is Justin in movies?” says the reporter. “Wait, you’re asking why he wants to be in movies?” Mila answers with another question.

She then goes on to defend her friend. “What would you rather have him do? Well, if he WANTS to make movies, and he can, why shouldn’t he? What sort of question is that? Why are YOU here?” she asks, clearly irritated at this point.

“Well, I’m doing my job,” the reporter says, trying to make herself heard over the cheering and the applause. “Well, he’s doing his. It’s the same thing!” Mila responds.

All this time, Justin is witnessing the exchange in state of relative confusion, since he’s getting the translation in the earpiece with some delay.

Nevertheless, he’s very proud of Mila, telling the audience that “This is my bodyguard!” Check out the video below.