They have been hidden under loads of sugar and they date back to the Soviet era

Jul 23, 2013 14:56 GMT  ·  By

Officials in Panama have found Mig-21 fighter jets on a ship that was hiding weapons and ammo. As I documented, the vessel was headed for North Korea and was claimed by Cuba.

Cuban authorities claim that the weaponry on the ship is outdated, adding that they were sent out to be fixed.

According to NewsMax, two fighter jets are also on board. Like the rest of the cargo, they date back to the Soviet era.

The freight cargo ship measures 510 feet (155 meters) and all the military items have been hidden under loads of sugar.

Even so, it is hard for me to understand how Panamanian authorities missed two jets during their initial assessment of the cargo.

Don't hesitate to weigh in on what you think the weapons are meant for. Write you response in the comments section.

[Update, July 24 2013]: A previous version of this article included a photo of a Mig-29. It has been replaced with one of a Mig-21, thanks to our readers.