The subsidiary has worked on 51 projects in just a single year

Apr 27, 2013 00:51 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft’s Open Tech division is celebrating its first anniversary, as the company decided to launch a new subsidiary to take care of open standards and open source projects exactly one year ago.

According to the tech giant, Open Tech has worked on no less than 51 projects in the first year, collaborating with some of the most important communities in the open source world, such as CodePlex, Web Platform Docs, Eclipse, Apache Qpid, and jQuery.

“In our very first year, as the openness revolution continues to transform a world of devices connected to online services, MS Open Tech shipped 51 important open source devices and services projects. We have 25 active open source projects across CodePlex and GitHub, and we are active contributors to dozens other open source and open standards initiatives,” Microsoft said.

At this point, the new subsidiary employs a total of 70 individuals, but the company will most likely hire new workers as it plans to focus more on open source projects on the long-term.