Thank you: the Max project has concluded

Nov 1, 2006 11:54 GMT  ·  By

This is the message from TheMaxTeam addressing all those who participated in the Microsoft Codename Max Beta. Microsoft has also announced that - with the end of the Microsoft Codename Max Beta - all Max related services will be disallowed along with the team forums.

"Thanks to your participation, we were able to accomplish the goals of the Max project-to get customer feedback on new ways to approach software and services. We will be disabling all downloads from our website. In the next week, we will be shutting down the Max services and our team forums. At that time, you will no longer be able to sign in to Max or share lists of photos with your friends. You will still be able to read news and browse the lists you've already shared and received," announced the Max Team.

In this context, Max has not become a product of its own, but has been incorporated into the platform layer with the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). And there is yet another destination for the Microsoft Codename Max, as TheMaxTeam has announced that the product will be transitioned toward Windows Live.