May 16, 2011 10:33 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft Tech-Ed North America 2011 is scheduled to kick off later today May 16th, 2011 (depending on where in the world you’re located). The event’s keynote will start at 9:00 a.m. EDT, and will feature Microsoft Corporate Vice President, Server and Tools Marketing, Robert Wahbe and Corporate Vice President, Visual Studio, Jason Zander.

Microsoft notes that a broad array of technology will be showcased during the keynote.

For those IT professionals and developers that cannot attend Microsoft Tech-Ed North America 2011, the software giant will stream it live.

“The 19th annual Microsoft Tech-Ed North America conference provides developers and IT professionals the most comprehensive technical education across Microsoft's current and soon-to-be-released suite of products, solutions and services,” the company said.

“Held from May 16-19 2011, the four day event at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia offers hands-on learning, deep product exploration and opportunities to connect with industry and Microsoft experts one-to-one.”

All Tech-Ed North America 2011 participants will receive the bag that’s featured in the image at the top of this article, courtesy of Jeff Alexander, IT Pro Evangelist, Microsoft Australia.

The contents are vaguely reminiscent of those in the bag from Tech-Ed Europe 2010 in Berlin. This means that those in attendants should not be expecting all that much from the Tech-Ed North America 2011 bag.

Alexander posted a few images with the contents on his blog, and you’re certainly welcomed to have a look.

“Today is Day 0 at Tech.ed North America or pre-conference day. I’m still suffering from jetlag and had one of those morning were you wake up early and can’t get to sleep,” Alexander stated.

“So I was ready to reasonably early and headed down to the Georgia World Congress Center where the event is being held to register. With 6000 or so people attending this event I thought it was worth getting in early. It was a smooth registration process with no issues at all. I picked up the customary bag which was full of the normal conference goodies.”