Active Directory locked out users attempting to access hospital resources

Oct 4, 2013 01:41 GMT  ·  By

The NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) hospital was hit by a two-day outage that broken down all computers within the institution due to what seems to be a problem with Microsoft’s Active Directory service.

V3 is reporting that hospital staff was unable to access clinical and administrative systems, so local IT teams and Microsoft experts joined forces to determine the cause of the problems and fix them as soon as possible.

"The situation is that as users log on they go through a system called Microsoft Active Directory, a router system which recognises users and allows individual access to our clinical and administrative support systems," Robert Calderwood, NHSGGC chief executive, was quoted as saying.

"This was corrupted over the weekend, which became apparent when staff logged on to the system on Tuesday after the holiday weekend.”

If there’s one good thing about this store, it’s definitely Microsoft’s quick reaction and its willingness to work together with local IT experts on resolving the problems causing the outage.