Aug 6, 2011 07:23 GMT  ·  By

Following the launch of the Microsoft Surface 2.0 software development kit (SDK) and Runtime approximately a month ago, the software giant has transitioned some of the developer content associated with the product to the Windows Desktop Developer Center. This will impact developers building natural user interface (NUI) applications on both Samsung SUR40 for Microsoft Surface 2.0 and Windows 7.

I say both because apps developed with Microsoft Surface 2.0 SDK can run on the next generation of Surface computing form factor, but also on Windows 7. No word yet about whether they’ll also support Windows 8, I asked.

“In other words, you can make apps using the Surface SDK, compile them for Windows, then run them on Windows. This is a big deal because the Surface 2.0 SDK ships with some killer multitouch controls that can be used for building some very engaging applications. If you want to get started coding with Surface, download the Surface SDK and check out the shipping samples,” revealed the Content Project Manager for the Windows Developer center.

Microsoft Surface 2.0 SDK and Runtime were released in the first half of July 2011, and continue to be available for download free of charge.

With the general availability of Surface 2.0 SDK, the software giant released a set of additional resources designed to streamline application development on top of Samsung SUR40 for Microsoft Surface 2.0.

In addition to the new Surface 2.0 content, the Windows Desktop developer center’s forums were enhanced in the latest update.

“We have been working on making some updates to the Windows Desktop forums that will make it easier to link to and find the right forum for developer solutions. Put concisely, we'll be closing some of the forums and then moving all of the forums to a single category” the Content Project Manager for the center added.

“Our belief is that having fewer forums and ensuring that we have relevant forums to what developers are interested in doing will be helpful for developers to more accurately and quickly get a solution. As an aside, we do support the forums.”

Microsoft Surface 2.0 SDK and Runtime is available for download here.