One more company sends the tech giant to court in the United States

May 2, 2013 07:11 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft’s legal department is most likely busy as a beaver these days, as more and more companies decide to sue the tech giant for unauthorized use of their patents.

After VirnetX, Secure Web Conference Corporation, a company owned by CopyTele, filed a lawsuit against Microsoft, claiming that Skype uses encryption technology protected by some of the patents it holds.

Robert Berman, CTI’s President and CEO, said in a statement that his company is ready to file new lawsuits in the near future, without clearly stating if Microsoft might be one of the new targets as well.

“With coverage on web conferencing technology across an industry that generates over $4 billion in annual revenue, these encryption patents are a prime example of the enormous, untapped potential at CTI,” he said in a statement after filing the patent infringement lawsuit against Microsoft.