By 2011

Mar 9, 2009 11:46 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft is currently laboring to overhaul its Partner Program, with 2011 as the deadline for all the modifications to be implemented. It will take the Redmond company no less than another three years to complete the rebuilding of the Partner Program, which was initially debuted back in 2003, almost six years ago. The next generation of the Microsoft Partner program will feature evolved critical aspects all designed to benefit partners. The software giant has so far failed to offer any specific details on the changes that will impact the Partner Program; however, the general strategy for the overhauling is evolution, not revolution.

“Microsoft is currently rebuilding the Partner Program to better reflect on the true status of partners, both to help Partners highlight the actual areas that they specialise in, and help customers connect with partners that they need. Like the Certification program, where we saw a change from the generic certifications (MCSE, MSDBA etc) to more specialist ones (MCITP: Server Admin), this new program will seek to refocus from generalist ‘Partners’ like Certified and Gold Certified to “Certified Partner: Unified Comms”. While nothing is written in stone yet, the program looks a lot tidier for all involved (The catch phase for this is "Evolution, not revolution",” revealed Tigernet's Ben Walton, the NZ SBSC Partner area lead.

The Redmond company has emphasized that the focus of the Partner Program will remain on helping companies become partners in order to access new business opportunities. In this regard, the program is evolving from being product based, internally focused, technology led and generalist to solution oriented, customer centric, business driven and technology enabled, and specialized. The next generation of the Microsoft Partner program (MSPP) will correlate competencies with five partner-specific capabilities, and will deliver new levels replacing the current broad tiers. Specialization will be scrapped, and partners will instead benefit from enhanced system capabilities. Points will also be done away with.

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