The Bing homepage is used to poke fun at Google's search engine

Apr 1, 2013 13:55 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft is no stranger to attacks aimed at its longtime Mountain View-based search rival Google, so the software maker used the April Fools’ Day to poke fun at the company that currently owns the world’s number one search engine.

Basically, users who go to and type in “Google” in the search box are provided with a mockup of the Google search page that gives them two different options, to either start a search or hit the “I’m Feeling Confused” button.

In case you’re feeling confused too, the page gets you to a post on the Bing blog that tries to explain this joke, obviously while also suggesting that Microsoft’s own search engine is better than Google’s.

“Today we’re running a special test, where if you visit and enter a certain telltale query, you’ll get something a little more bland. We decided to go back to basics, to the dawn of the Internet, to reimagine Bing with more of a 1997, dial-up sensibility in mind,” the blog post reads.