Insurance also causes trouble

Apr 8, 2010 07:40 GMT  ·  By

The summer of 2009 saw Smith & Tinker announce that they were interested in creating a new MechWarrior videogame and also said that, as proof that the franchise was still alive, they were authorizing MekTek to actually release for free to all those interested MechWarrior 4, together with its expansions and a new pack of modifications and tweaks. But until now, the much awaited free release has not materialized.

The website of MekTek reveals that “Due to the demands placed upon us by industry lawyers to release the Mechwarrior 4 Free release we were forced to insure our Studio at a premium rate to meet the Microsoft standard.”

They are also stating that the money used to pay for the servers currently comes from the pockets of the staff and are asking all those who pick up the MekPak 3.1 to donate for the MechWarrior cause. The company is saying that just 5 dollars from each fan can insure that the servers are online for another year. Previously, it also requested money from fans to put up new servers and hire lawyers.

Some fans are already saying that MekTek might never get to launch MechWarrrior 4 in its entirety, with Microsoft probably thinking about how it could turn interest in the franchise in a revenue stream.

Meanwhile, MechWarrior 5 seems to be still in development at Piranha Games. It is envisioned as a reboot of the entire franchise, the story taking place before the beginning of the original series. Deschler is the planet where mechs will be clashing towards the end of the Third Succession Wars. The main character is Adrian Khol, the last descendent of the ruling house, who wants to have his revenge against the rebels who took out his family. At the moment, MechWarrior 5 does not have a clear time frame for release.