Via 3 solutions

Dec 3, 2008 15:55 GMT  ·  By

With Open XML now ISO certified, Microsoft continues to pour efforts into the standard in order to ensure interoperability between document format implementations and across different platforms. An example of the success of the Document Interoperability Initiative, launched in March 2008, is the fact that Open XML now plays well with HTML, ODF and Java. A total of three solution certify, in Microsoft's perspective, the interoperability of Open XML, namely Open XML Document Viewer, Open XML/ODF Translators version 2.5, and the Apache POI Java SDK for Open XML.

“Achieving interoperability between document formats requires the IT community coming together to test implementations and develop tools to promote interoperability over time,” explained Jean Paoli, general manager of interoperability strategy for Microsoft. “We’re pleased to see the Document Interoperability Initiative events fill this important role over the past several months and result in real-world tools and solutions that will help vendors meet the interoperability needs of customers.”

Via the Open XML Document Viewer, users will be able to enjoy a cross platform lightweight viewing solution designed to bridge Open Extensible Markup Language (XML) with HTML formats. Via the plug-in available for Firefox, users can access Open XML documents straight from the open source browser on both Linux and Windows.

With the Open XML/ODF Translators version 2.5, Microsoft has also bridged the native formats of Office 2007 System and OpenOfice. Users can access an add-in set up to integrate with Office 2007, 2003 and XP, which allows them to handle ODF documents.

Launched in June 2007, the Apache POI Java SDK for Open XML, a project developed by the Apache Software Foundation, and Sourcesense, among other partners, delivers the resources, namely pure Java libraries, necessary for developers to tweak products to play nice with Open XML.

“The real work of document interoperability is practical and requires an open and collaborative effort — industry leaders and vendors coming together to identify and resolve technical issues,” said Gianugo Rabellino, CEO of Sourcesense. “The dialogue and technical lab work taking place at these events are tangible steps toward moving the bar forward.”

OpenXML Viewer Firefox Extension November 2008 CTP is available for download here.

OpenXML Viewer Command Line November 2008 CTP is available for download here.

ODF Add-in for Microsoft Word is available for download here.

ODF Add-in for Excel is available for download here.

ODF Add-in for PowerPoint is available for download here.

Apache POI is available for download here.