Reality mom says women should be the wives their men dream of

Feb 21, 2012 08:46 GMT  ·  By

She has one of the most famous (large) families on television, so she must know what she's talking about. Michelle Duggar, star of the reality show “19 Kids and Counting,” has recently opened up about the secret to her marriage to Bob and, believe it or not, it's all about not being your own person.

The wife, Michelle says, should be just the woman her husband wants her to be, and not go out of his word in the slightest.

Mrs. Duggar made the revelations during a speech at a church, Radar Online informs. As anyone who's seen at least 10 minutes of the Duggars' show must know, they are deeply religious people.

As such, they believe the woman must live only for her man, which, in turn, would allow him to be the man he wants to be.

He is a leader and, as such, he must make all the decisions. If one happens to be wrong, it's to be taken as a sign for his needs, needs that the wife must strive to meet, Michelle Duggar says.

“The more a wife trusts her husband, the more careful he will be in giving her direction; Never ask others for counsel without your husband’s approval; reassure your husband that you understand and believe that he is your God-given leader,” she says.

As a wife, a woman must look to “develop inward and outward beauty” but only so far as her husband allows her.

“How can you become more of the wife of your husband’s dreams?; discover and conform to your husband’s real wishes; explain your hairstyle to others on the basis of your submission to your authority; separate your 'rights' from your responsibilities,” she says.

“Ask your husband to define your responsibilities; Ask your husband to tell you when you have a resistant spirit; dispel a backbiting tongue by silence,” Duggar states.

The Duggars, as noted above, rose to fame on the TLC reality show “17 Kids and Counting.” Since then, they had two more children and one miscarriage.

The ceremony for Jubilee, the daughter that did not make it to term, was documented on camera for a TLC special.